TradeFinder helps you learn to profitably trade stocks.

Manual or Automated Trading Systems

We have trading solutions to help you trade Stocks, FOREX, or Cryptocurrencies; whether you want complete manual control, or want the artificial intelligence to assist you with automated trading. It’s up to you.

Manual Trading of Stocks

A dictionary of trading terms.If you are new to trading or have limited experience, we highly recommend manual trading of US Stocks.  It is a great way to learn about the market and how things work.

The courses on this website will explain how to trade using our Modern Trading System. You will learn by doing, which is generally accepted as the fastest way to learn a craft. Trading is not a science. It is an art. You need to fully understand the market environment, your trading brokerage, and a long list of technical terms.

We urge you to begin in the manual mode and take our classes.

We encourage you to use our NeuralMatic Predictor, to get a head start on trading by learning about the predicted direction of all S&P 500 stocks for the next day.

Automated using AI-Assistance

A woman paper trades to learn the brokerage software.If you have been trading for a while and need a brilliant and rapid way to trade Stocks, FOREX, and Cryptocurrency, then our automated trading solutions are for you.

They are automated by artificial intelligence using deep machine learning, neural networks, and a host of related probability logic.  You choose the asset class that you want to trade and then subscribe to that trading system.  Of course, you can subscribe to all three (with more to come).

You will need a margin account at a brokerage we support.  Currently, we work with Alpaca and Interactive Brokers.  As explained on this website, our trading system conforms to our Modern Trading System principles.

To learn more about our automated trading systems, please visit  There, you will learn the technical aspects of each system and can subscribe to one or more of them.